2020 John Ryan Scholarship

Medina High School 2020 Graduate Nathan Sherman is the recipient of the fifth annual John Ryan Scholarship, a $1000 award presented by the Medina Sandstone Society in conjunction with the MHS history department.  Sherman won the scholarship for preparing a Powerpoint presentation and filming a video  on the topic: How My Life Has Been Impacted by Covid-19.  The son of Jon and Marguerite Sherman, he plans to attend Canisius College this fall to pursue a degree in Biochemistry while playing baseball for the Golden Griffins.    

Nathan and Rob Klino, committee chairman
Front Row left to right: Barbara Waters, Nathan Sherman, Jim Hancock. Back from left to right: Peggy Schreck, Dave Miller, Rob Klino, Marguerite and Jon Sherman, Mary Zangerle, Todd Bensley, Gabrielle Barone.

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